How the Human Body Works

"Know your Body" 

By Thierry BROUWERS,

Extracts of

"The Mucusless Diet Healing System"

"The Cause and Cure of Human Illness"

by Prof. Arnold Ehret.

The human body is an air-gas engine built and constructed in its entirety, at the exception of the bones, from a rubber-like, very elastic spongy materials, called flesh and tissues.

Also, the body functions out of a pump system by air-pressure and an inside circulation of liquids, such as the blood and other saps. For the last 400 years, the medical physiology as erroneously taught us that the heart pumps the blood to the body, but it is actually the lungs that are the pump and the heart is the valve.

Another fact is that it is the Power “P” that keeps us alive because without air, we cannot live more than 5 minutes. The human body animal organism functions automatically by inhaling 14 Lbs of atmospheric outside air-pressure and expelling chemically changed air. VITALITY from the charged air is the first instance and importance of one’s true health.

It is our body’s ability to vibrate, expand and contract the elastic, spongy material that create the vital strain of power, thus as described by Chemist Hensel, it is the lime sugar combination that ensure our body’s vital elasticity.

This new physiology corrects the medical errors about blood-circulation, blood-composition, blood-building and metabolism. The World must overstand the knowledge of Vitality and what animal life really is. With that knowledge, one can truly achieve the highest, superior, absolute health.


PERFECT HEALTH By Dr. Carey Reams:

Common Sense + 1.5 + 6.4/6.4 + 6-7C +.04m + 3/3

PERFECT HEALTH By Prof. Arnold Ehret:

Vitality = Power Obstruction

Definition of Vitality: 

- The capacity to live, grow, or develop: plants that lost their vitality when badly pruned.
- Physical or intellectual vigor; energy. 
- The characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things.
- Power to survive

Definition of Power: 
The infinite, inexhaustible, unlimited, practically the same everywhere ultimate power source that gives the ability or capacity to do something. The forcefulness and effectiveness to perform or act effectively.
Besides air, oxygen and certain quantity of water-stream, the composition of POWER increases, only in a clean body, with these other agents: Electricity, Ozone, Light (Specially Sun Light), Odors (Good smell of fruits and flowers, and essential high-grade therapeutic oils), and Nitrogen.

Definition of Obstruction: 
An obstacle. The delaying of business before a deliberative body.
The accumulation of obstruction from mucus-forming foods that lowers the automatic counter-pressure of the tissues.

Vitality does not depend immediately, directly and primarily from food or from ‘right’ diet.
When we eat too much of the best foods, especially in a body full of waste and poisons, it is impossible for them to enter into the blood streams in a clean state and become “efficiency-giving” vital substances. They are mixed with and poisoned by mucus and auto-toxemias and actually lower Vitality: they increase Obstruction instead of Power. We must realize very deeply that it is worthless to figure food values with the intention of increasing POWER or VITALITY as long as the body is full of OBSTRUCTION. 

Remove OBSTRUCTION through intelligent menus.
See Chef Thierry Browers' prepared mucusless-food dishes and recipes HERE.

Vegan Plate Prepared by Vegan Raw Chef Thierry BROUWERS

POWER increases automatically after a fast through its unobstructed function.

You now realize the fundamental principal of fasting which is not about eating nothing at all, but to fast with the proper foods in combination with no food at all to allow your body to restore itself and get rid of the obstructive accumulated waste.

What is illness?

It’s the body’s attempt to eliminate mucus and, in advanced stages, pus (disintegrated blood).

Mucus which can no longer be eliminated through natural means, enters the blood and reappears at a location where the blood circulation is reduced as a heat symptom, an inflammation, a pain, and sometimes a fever.

When someone is sick and start eating mucus-less foods like fresh fruits, just water or fresh lemonade, the energy usually used for digestion is now free to attack and dissolve the hardened masses of mucus that have been accumulated in the body since childhood.

This mucus can be seen during detox via fasting through the urine. 
People with high degree of mucus, the body will use each and every body opening and elimination channel to rid itself of the poisons.

Where does the mucus come from?

It comes from all foods that are acid-binding, mucus forming foods. See the Berg’s Tables.
For example, if you cook potatoes, flour, rice, or meat long enough you will end up with a gelatin-like, thick mucus substances. It looks like the glue that bookbinders and woodworkers use as adhesives (Most glues are made out of cow’s milk casein).

This mucus-like substance soon turns acidic, starts the ferment, and becomes the breeding ground for fungi, mold, and bacteria. In the digestive process, which is, chemically speaking, a cooking and brewing process, this glue-mucus is separated out, because the blood can only absorb the glucose which has been extracted from the carbohydrates. The remaining byproduct, the mucus-glue, is an alien substance for the body, which must be eliminated completely from the earliest stage of life on.

Clearly, the digestive tract and colon are increasingly clogged up with mucus, generally caused by meats, cheese, rice, processed foods, etc. This glue-like mucus continues to ferment as it is nourished again and again with the same foods every day, re-entering the blood circulation, and also clogged the arteries and dramatically affects the blood’s ability to regenerate the whole system.

Now in the case of pasty cooked foods like dates, figs or grapes, the body can assimilate those ‘syrup’ as important building materials for fuel without leaving any residues behind, except traces of cellulose, which are not sticky, do not ferment, and are eliminated quickly.


All illnesses, including the inherited diseases, stem from biologically wrong, unnatural food, and from every gram of excess food intake. The exception are rare, e.g. lack of hygiene.

Every illnesses, without exception, is an attempt by the body to eliminate mucus and, in advanced stage, pus (disintegrated blood).

Every healthy organism of course must contain a certain amount of naturally occurring mucus, called lymph, the fatty mucus-like substance of the colon. Every medical expert dealing with cathartic problems, from a harmless runny nose to pneumonia and tuberculosis, will attest to this fact.

What we are examining here is a very unnatural and unhealthy mucus condition which is epidemic in modern society. The body's attempt to eliminate excess mucus is not always obvious in diseases of the ears, eyes, skin diseases, stomach and heart troubles, rheumatism, arthritis, etc., not to mention in all mental disturbances, a compression of toxic gas in the brain generated from the fermentation of accumulated wastes in the gut. And yet, excess mucus is the main cause of ALL health issues.

Mucus, which can no longer be eliminated through natural means, enters the blood and reappears at a location where the blood circulation is reduced as a heat symptom, an inflammation, a pain, or a fever, the natural way for the body to heat the mucus to liquefy it and escort it out of the body throughout the excretory channels.

When the blood carries unnatural mucus, it thickens and become inefficient to deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues. When the blood cell is clogged with mucus from processed foods for example, that have been cooked over 350 degrees Fahrenheit for over 5 hours (for shelf life and profit increase), the blood cell cannot vibrate at -50 millivolts and cannot rejuvenate, nor duplicate itself to a healthy cell. Put the palm of your hand for a second on top of your hand and try to breath. This is what is happening to the cell when it is clogged up with plastic foods all day. As the cells cannot function properly, it must stack itself with other, creating rouleaux of blood cells, leveraging each other to operate. A stack of blood cells of course cannot move properly with the tissues, therefore, cannot deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the body to rejuvenate and repair from constant free-radicals.

What are Free-Radicals?

A free radical is an atom, molecule, or compound that is highly unstable because of its atomic or molecular structure (i.e., the distribution of electrons within the molecule). As a result, free radicals are very reactive as they attempt to pair up with other molecules, atoms, or even 
individual electrons to create a stable compound. To achieve a more stable state, free radicals can “steal” a hydro­gen atom from another molecule, bind to another molecule, or interact in vari­ous ways with other free radicals.

In other words: Free-Radicals are a bunch of wild atoms missing electrons that once enter the body, are on the mission to steal electrons from healthy cells to survive and thrive. Now the healthy cells are missing electrons, cannot communicate efficiently with other cells and create a dramatic domino effect on your health as the healthy cell now becomes a free-radical itself!

Implication from Free-Radicals attacks:
- Aging
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer 

- Heart Attack
- Trauma
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Stroke
- Retinal damage
- Liver injury
- Dermatitis
and much more.

Where do Free-Radicals come from?

1) From the air we breath.
The Earth and our human bodies are negatively charged. The atmosphere we breath is positively charged.
Just like a half cut fresh apple turning brown rapidly, the air oxidizes the cells to recycle them.
Because the apple was cut in half, the surface of the apple now contains cells that have been damaged.
A healthy cell resonates at -20 to -25 mv and rejuvenate at -50 mv. If the cell cannot reach -50 mv, it becomes depleted. Cancer is an alkaline unhealthy cell that vibrates at +30 millivolts. MINUS is an electron giving, compare to Positive Charged that is an electron taker.
When a cell loses its availability to charge up like a battery, it becomes depleted and dies.
Earth is now recycling you.

EARTHING/GROUNDING to Earth is a necessity to allow the natural negative electrons, electrolytes to enter the body and supply the missing electrons to the Free-Radicals.

2) From cooked Oils.
All oils should be avoided, except coconut oil.

Cooking Oil, Butter or Margarine (which are already plastic foods) turn into Free-Radicals.
Advice: Don't cook at all. If you "have to", lightly steam in water.
Cooking above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, not only creates free-radicals but also destroy all the Life-Force in the food, along with the amino-acids, the vitamins, the enzymes, etc.

3) From stress, cigarette smoke, alcohol and pollution.
More about Free-Radicals:


as Taught by Professor Arnold Ehret (1866-1922)

The natural process by which the body repairs itself.

Prof. Arnold Ehret  (July 29, 1866 Germany, October 9, 1922 California) was a German health educator and author of several books on diet, detoxification, fruitarianism, fasting, food combining, health, longevity, naturopathy, physical culture and vitalitism.

Professor Arnold Ehret’s basic philosophy is that every disease is related to a mucus-clogged system that is the result of the accumulation of undigested and unnatural food substances, commencing in childhood. He believed that vitality depends on removing these obstructions.
Prof. Ehret stated that there is only one cause of disease which is overeating and eating the wrong kind of food. He thought that fruit was the perfect food and along with some green leafy vegetables was all that was required in order to attain optimal health.

Ehret devised a mucus-free transition diet for dieters who would like to follow his approach in order to regain their health and vitality, but find the strict diet too limiting, he actually warns dieters against sudden dietary changes because this can lead to an excessive release of toxins that the body will not be able to eliminate effectively. He recommended two meals daily that should be based primarily on fresh fruit and vegetables, cooked or raw as well as small amounts of raw nuts.

Ehret was convinced that fasting is the key to attaining optimal health and recommended starting his program with a two or three day fast. He also advocated undertaking longer fasts of up to forty days once the dieter has gone through the transition diet. He believed that the first meal of the day should be delayed as much as possible because this extends the short daily overnight fast.

Thierry Brouwers, an active advocate for optimum health, a self-taught scientist, humanitarian and visionary, who's mission is to educate the World about the Teachings of Prof. Ehret and to raise the collective consciousness awareness, has created this website, along with many other resources (listed below) to allow everyone of you, the readers, to be inspired, learn and apply the knowledge to your lives and the ones that depend on you.

Thierry is currently giving lectures about Professor Erhet's teachings in South Florida.
To contact Thierry, go to the "Service" tab or click HERE
To join Thierry's active group, go to:

The Mucusless Diet Healing System to HEAL.
A system is a set of procedures or methods to perform certain actions that lead to a specific result.
In this case, the desired result is healing. 
The question remains: "What is healing?"...
The definition that we know is that provided by the medical establishment, IE disappearance of symptoms. A person has back pain, the doctor gives him an ointment to spread on the painful and the pain goes away. Except then return the next time, in a chronic condition, temporarily alleviated by administering other drugs in the form of ointments, pills, suppositories, injections, etc...
That is not a cure, for true health researchers, but the suppression of the symptoms of a cause that has not been removed, and then sooner or later it will manifest again with the same or other symptoms at the same points, or, if he is not permission from chemicals introduced, in another part of the body. We can be sure!

The definition of healing that belongs to the context of Mucus-less Diet is this:
The natural process by which the body repairs itself.

The goal of the diet is a body that repairs itself and reaches gradually removing all impediments, deposits of fermented materials, toxins, poisons, chemicals estrane, mucus and everything that does not belong to the natural composition of the body. The germs, bacteria or viruses, however you want to call them, do not take root in a soil physiological clean, simply passing through.
What does it mean Mucusless
It means a diet using foods that do not create mucus. The mucus here has a value more extensive than commonly known as nasal fluid secretion or secretion of the protective intestinal membrane. With that term is common to all those viscous substances such as cholesterol, phlegm, phlegm, etc.., Very disrespectful to the precise distinction that science has for each of these terms, but in Mucusless Diet is irrelevant.

Indeed the mucus is a subject treated extended from Ehret, in that it binds to the foods unsuitable in the colon and from there inserting in all organs of the body.

Over the years, the situation worsens and our belly becomes like a Pandora's box that contained all the vices. Our vessel contains the cause of diseases that periodically, and then hit us all together. The Diet Healing System Mucusless, removes the digestive burden and much more. At that point the body begins to heal itself, as intended by Hippocrates.

The Mucus-less Diet is also a diet for people who are healthy and want to stay that way. The principles you learn when applied allow us to have an active lifestyle and energetic, free from the poisons that unfortunately all to a greater or lesser extent we are today subjects.

Note: We encourage EVERYONE to see a doctor before altering their diet, taking a supplement and/or performing athletic, fitness or other strenuous physical activity. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any information, instruction, opinion or advice contained in the content of this site. Do not stop taking any medication without your doctor's consent.

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